Blake told me I should come every Saturday with them. I told him I didn't have a season pass like he did. He then said, "Mom, it's easy! All you have to do is go to the ski shop and get your picture taken!" I realized that was all HE had to do...Mom and Dad have to pay for it. :)
I know we post a lot of ski pictures but that is the majority of what we are doing and taking pictures of this winter. I should have gone to Jeb's indoor soccer game last night and taken pictures, but I stayed behind to put Savannah to bed. He took the boys with him and his team won the final game and took first place! He loves playing so much. He always comes home in the best mood!:)
Landen has 2 friends over from school today. I was giving them their afterschool snack and they were being typical 7 year old boys. They were talking about a lot of "funny" potty stuff, trying to impress each other (this age is really interesting to watch as they learn to interact with their peers). They were being really loud and goofy and then all of a sudden Landen said, "Did you hear that President Hinckley died?" They all got quiet and started talking about how sad they were and that they were really going to miss him. I thought it was so sweet and couldn't believe the reverence and respect that came over them. We really are going to miss such a wonderful prophet. I told them they will come to know and love the next prophet too.
Like I mentioned before, Blake is reading now and does a really great job. He doesn't have the interest to sit down and do it as often as Landen did (he is much more into being active) but he seems really pleased to have caught on to it.
Savannah is finally in nursery. It has been nice to have her in there with little friends. She is our youngest so she seems way too small to be old enough to go to her "own class" but she loves it. She is talking a lot too (not in sentences yet). My favorite is when she says "cookie" and "baby". We recently went to the pediatric neurologist and he said she is doing so well we don't have to come back for regular visits anymore! Yeah! Not unless we notice something unusual.
For those of you who don't know, when I was 20 weeks pregnant with her, we found out she had a rare cyst in her brain called Dandy-walker. The possibilities of what we could deal with were on a wide spectrum. Anywhere from severe mental retardation or dying at birth, to showing no signs unless you look at an MRI and see a picture of her brain. If you google Dandy-walker and see other children who suffer from this you will realize how blessed we are to have her develop so well. Anyway, we are so grateful to put it somewhat behind us!
I was going to include a post that Jeb wrote on his family's site about our ski day, but this ended up getting super long! Maybe I will post it another time. To summarize the day could not have been more perfect. It was sunny, 45 degrees and absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to go with them all again! We felt bad leaving Savannah, but she didn't seem to mind.
What great times you are all having! And your kiddos are so sweet. I'm so touched that even little ones can feel the Spirit and recognize what a truly incredible man President Hinckley was.
I love reading about your family. Keep the posts coming!
What a great family! You guys seem like you have so much fun together, awesome!
I'm glad you posted more pictures. Sounds like you are having a great winter.
What wonderful blessings! Your children are beautiful! We are so happy for your family!
I completely forgot about Savannah's cyst...that is amazing she is on track and so far has no side effects! Wow! What a blessing. I love seeing Blake reading to her and movie night. That's got to be neat seeing your kids be such good friends. I can't wait. The skiing looks so fun too! (Yes I do make Berkley's bows and flowers. I just buy clips at a beauty supply store and glue them on.)
yippee! I want to go skiing! HOw fun. the kids are getting so big! I am so grateful that Savannah is doing so good. She is so amazing and beautiful.
the blog looks great. I like the new header photo. I miss you. I was thinking about all the fun times we had together as kids the other day. I was remembering the sleepovers, the golf course house, the bike rides, the singing.;) anyway, I miss you.
I didn't know that about your little girl. That is an amazing blessing...and a hard trial. Your family is so cute! If I remember right Blake is younger than Noah, so if he is already reading books that is pretty incredible. But since you are an amazing mom, It isn't hard to believe.
Hey there, its not fair to teach your kids to read when the rest of ours are so far behind. You're making us look bad. And its time for a new update on your blog:)
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