He was bragging all the next day that the tooth fairy gave him $5 and Landen only gets $2 or $1. Little does he know the tooth fairy is only that generous on the first lost tooth! :)
I know everyone is sick of Easter pictures, but because I am so slow...here are a couple. I only got pics of Savannah collecting eggs because the boys are too old and fast for me to follow anymore (so sad). Here is Savannah showing my Dad her collection. She was in the toddler section where all of the eggs were just laying on the ground. She quickly realized that if she set her basket down she had both hands free to pick up two eggs at once! That's my girl.
We got to meet Lanes' new girlfriend Elyse that weekend. We love her! We had so much fun with them and getting to know her.
This is Adam's girlfriend Erin. We love her too! She is the best with kids. Everytime she comes over her and Adam immediately start playing with all of the kids. They are a definite favorite!
Landen and Savannah on Easter. I'm not sure where Blake was. I didn't do my traditional sit all of the kids down and take their picture...it was to crazy that morning. I'll take what I can get!
Jeb and I went to Colorado Rapids season opener 2 weeks ago. They played LA Galaxy so that is David Beckham you are looking at in the white. Jeb was very excited. He has been a long-time fan of David Beckham's. He boasts of being a fan before he was popular :). We had a great time together at the game and the Rapids won 4-0! We are going to have a nice season. Soccer games are really fun to watch. Colorado has it's own new soccer stadium and the games are very fast-paced. There are only 2-45 minute halves and they rarely stop the clock for anything. Kind of like hockey, I love going to hockey games too. I guess I am grateful my husband is such a soccer fan and not baseball. I really love watching baseball (and playing) and the occasional live game is really fun....but those games can get so long and are really hard to take little kids to! Soccer has been really fun for our family to dive into!
So, I should probably update that my aunt, Abbi got out of the hospital a couple of days ago!! Yay!! We were so excited. It was pretty scary there for a bit. She is still really weak and will probably take a couple of months to fully heal, but it is nice for her to be home. She doesn't really remember a lot of her time in the hospital (I think it was 21 days) so it is kind of freaking her out that she was that sick. I can't wait to see her again!
We had a great trip to Utah. We drove and had nice weather the whole time. It feels like the trip is always so fast. It takes 8 hours but compared to 17 hours from Minnesota, it is a breeze! We were there for Landen's spring break. It was a lot of fun to see my family. We really missed having Brandon, Stacy and Ben there though. We also got to see some of Jeb's family for a minute. Just a quick trip!
Last weekend we really loved conference. My kids actually sat through 2 entire sessions on Sunday. I couldn't believe it! Of course I had lots of activities for them (coloring, etc.) but they were really good and quiet. Jeb and I heard every talk....I think that is the first time in 7 years that has happened! I think by the 2nd session Savannah would have been fed up but she went down for her nap.:) We had our traditional General Conference Scones that I have had since I was a little girl in between conferences. I grew up with all of my Mom's siblings and their spouses and kids going to my Grandma's for scones. Whenever we aren't there we have to carry on the tradition or it just doesn't feel right. Of course, they are always better with lots of great people around! :)
During President Monson's last talk my kids were cracking up how the prophet's wife told him not to touch the microwave, the stove, etc. while she was away. They could not believe how funny he was. Blake kept asking me to rewind that part. We had some real tender sweet moments. :)
We have our ultrasound on Friday the 18th. I will only be in my 18th week but we are doing a Level 2 ultrasound with a perinatologist. Because of all of the issues we had with Savannah, my doctor just wants to do some extra checking for us. I'm not sure if it is just for piece of mind or what, but I'll take it! I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby because I want to start painting the room.
I better post this before it gets too long. I always have so much updating to do. I haven't even covered the fact that Landen needs braces! I'll get to the details of that next time. We are off to the kid's soccer game!
such cute kids! Looks like you had a great time with your family on Easter! So fun!
Your kids are too cute!!! I LOVE Savannah's Easter dress. Can't wait to hear the results of the ultrasound....keep us updated.
Jeb... I lost a tooth, can I have $5?
We get Beckham in two weeks! Already looking for tickets.
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I wish you still lived in Beaverton, Oregon! Glad to her about your aunt. John still remembers her awesome guitar lessons.
I wish you luck on your ultrasound. Hopefully you will get what gender you want, but above all I hope there are no health problems.
We will be thinking of you and praying for you.
It's fun to see your brothers, wow! Where are they at? That is fun you got to go visit your family for spring break. One of these days I want to meet you in Utah, so let me know when your going this summer. I know you've got a busy life, but it sounds fun, except for the headaches. I can't wait to hear what you are having! Are you ready for four kids? I've always pictured you with at least that many! Is Jeb related to a Michael Buffington here in Twin Falls? That name isn't very common, so I thought I'd ask. Take care of yourself. It's fun to hear what you are up to.
Baby 4.... that is wonderful news!! So glad to hear that your Aunt is out of the hospital. The kids are getting so big. Take care guys!!
I'm dying to know the sex of baby #4! It's crazy seeing pictures of your little siblings. To me, they're still babies! Plus, Landen looks JUST like I remember Brandon. Looks like you've had a crazy couple of weeks!
I love seeing the updates on your blog. Your family is so cute! I can't wait to hear if you are having a boy or girl...you find out today? Well I am due June 24th, so like 9 more weeks to go! I want it to come fast...but not too fast! So good hearing from you.
Kitty loves Go do go too! That is one of her favorites. I remember whan I was a kid I memorized that book and would try to show off how I was such a good "reader" by reading that book. It is an awesome one. I love the illustrations, they are totally classic 50s, or 60s, whenever it was drawn. But I love it. Kitty also loves trains. They have a lot in common, must be cousins!
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