My 3 boys! It was impossible to get them all to look and smile...so I gave up :)

Jeb turned 33! He always likes to sing along
Blowing out all of those candles
Blake-1st day of 1st grade and Landen-1st day of 3rd grade
The sun was so bright that morning we tried to find a spot where weren't squinting...Didn't work so well
My big one year old! I will post his b-day pics soon
Crew is such a happy kid
Princess Savannah!
Blake reading Crew his bedtime story
We went to Breckenridge (or BreckenBridge as Savannah calls it) for Labor day weekend. In line for the Alpine slide
Yeah baby!
Blake never needs or wants any help :)
Savannah told me how fast and scary it was
Landen got stuck behind a really slow group so they let him take another turn!
Had to throw in a picture of me because there never are any (even though I don't like it :))
We did a lot of hiking and bike-riding. We went really far on the hike because the kids were doing so well....We forgot you have to turn around and go back! The kids were wiped and we got rained on...it was still great!
Following the 3 leaders in search for the Best Walking Stick
3 of my munchkins
The condo we stayed in was really fun...I wish I had taken more pictures
hooooray! an update!! ;) can't wait to see you guys!! love you all!!
Can't...breathe...confused....by update:)
We are excited to see you next month and hope we'll sort of be neighbors soon! Your kids are gorgeous, by the way, and you and Jeb look exactly the same! How are you doing that?
You are one busy lady! I'm glad that you finally came back to the blogging world! I hope ya'll are feeling better too.
Holy cow girl, you do exist in the blogging world!! Oh by the way I'm your new visiting teacher along with Sara Brassard. I'll try and catch you on Sunday and chat a little! Welcome back to the blog world!!
Oh my goodness your baby is one! WOW time goes by FAST! Your kids are beautiful! I love seeing Savannah. Last time I saw her and you we were probably nursing our babies in the mother's room :) Looks like you guys are doing great! We are expecting our third March 9th! By the way, my blog is private now did I ever send you an invite? If not email me at thorpe.maria@gmail.com and I will send you one.
What a beautiful family Becca! Look how much fun you guys have! Thanks for sharing!
I didn't realize you guys had a blog! Or you knew about ours! (I'm pretty much a slacker when it comes to communicating...) Anyway, the recipes turned out SO good! You should definitely use them and tell me what you think! And Jacob is doing a great job at taking care of things for me. Hope you guys are doing awesome! It sure looks like it!
Holy crap...I stopped checking since well, you know, you never post:)And now look, its been here a month already. Anyway, I love the pics. Your kids, well, they aren't as cute as mine but they are adorable. You're still self-depracating and as usual you're wrong:) You're still beautiful, always will be
Love ya, Maren
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